Sangar News
Baloch National Movement’s Central Information secretary Dil Murad Baloch issued the monthly report on the humanitarian situation in Occupied Balochistan. He said that the state forces looted dozens of houses during 32 military operations and raids across Balochistan in the month of November 2019. Thirty-eight people, including women and children, were forcibly disappeared after being detained in various operations. In the same month, 16 bodies were recovered, of which one was of an elderly Baloch shot dead by the State-sponsored Death Squads in Kharan while the exact circumstances and causes of the death of the other 15 remained uncertain.
Ten missing persons were released from Pakistan’s torture cells in the month of November 2019. Two of them were abducted by forces in 2016, three in 2018 and five in 2019.
Dil Murad Baloch said that the Baloch National Movement had been making it clear for many years that Pakistan had turned ineffective against the Baloch national struggle, as result, it is following the brutal and barbaric aggressive tactics of collective punishment in desperation. Under this strategy, the Baloch nation is being subjected to collective punishment so as to cow them down into submission. Initially, relatives of activists were targetted under this strategy. As a result of this policy, many people have been killed and thousands of houses have been burnt.
Now, the imprisonment and violence on women have become a daily routine. At the end of November, four Baloch mothers, Nazal, Hameeda, Sakina and Bibi Sayeda were arrested from Awaran, and disappeared as usual and later transferred to Khuzdar Central Jail. Thousands of people, including women and children, went missing in the 20-years old history of violence. This is the first time an FIR has been lodged against anyone. All the allegations in this FIR are false. Recovery of weapons from women is merely a drama as Nazal Baloch and her relatives were once earlier also taken away by the Pakistani army, and released after being tortured for several days. Now the civilized world must realize that human rights and the rule of law have also disappeared from Pakistan. The time has come for world powers and human rights organizations to take notice of these crimes.
He said that the Baloch people are aware that there would be worse days of humiliation in a life of slavery. Such atrocities motivate the nations to break the shackles of slavery and keep moving forward towards emancipation. Similarly, the sentiments of the Baloch people would never diminish until getting rid of the plague of slavery. The brutal treatment of women has further exposed the dirty face of Pakistan.
Dil Murad Baloch further added, “The victims of Pakistani barbarism are always unarmed civilians, women, and children. The civilized world cannot even imagine that in this modern age human rights can be violated on such a great scale. But it is happening to the Baloch nation in front of the world in daylight. The civilized world should realize that stopping human rights violations is a globally shared responsibility. The deviations of the world from their basic principles would provide Pakistan limitless excuses to play orgy with the blood of the Baloch nation.”