Sangar News
The arrested women Nazul and Hameeda’s health condition so critical due to extremely torture, they were abducted from district Awaran and later shifted to district Khuzdar.
According to sources Bibi Hameeda and Bibi Nazul have been badly tortured in the custody and about their health conditions are being told so critical.
It notices that Bibi Hameeda, Bibi Nazul, Bibi Sakina, Sayad Bibi were abducted on 29th November from different areas of district Awaran by Pakistan Army later they were brought in front of media with military weapons as a dramatic manner.
The levies authority was claimed that due to reports of locals of Awaran female police and along with its part force CTD squads were raided and arrested to four women who were involved into guilty activities.
However, Baloch political and social organisations and parties are with strong words condemning the forcibly abduction and claiming terrorist of the Baloch women.