Sangar News
Pro-independence Baloch leader, Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch has condemned the abduction of Baloch women during military operations in different parts of Balochistan. He said, “In this civilized world of the twenty-first century, hardly there would be such an example of atrocities which Pakistan army and intelligence agencies are inflicting upon the Baloch people. Only in Awaran, within twenty-four hours, four women along with a minor were abducted and shifted into torture chambers. In the same fashion, the Pakistani intelligence agencies, with its henchman Sarfaraz Bugti-run death squad members, abducted women and children from Dera Bugti. Such incidents are eye-openers and wake up calls for the world powers and the champions of international human rights organizations. But sad to say that they have failed to do justice with their job.”
Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch rebuked the so-called Baloch nationalists who are part of Pakistani parliamentary politics, “Such incidents should shake the conscience of the so-called nationalists who consider parliament and the federation of Pakistan as the only solution to the problems of the Baloch nation. They are silent spectators while sitting with the government of Pakistan. One day the Baloch nation will hold them accountable.”
Dr. Allah Nazar also harshly criticized the dubious role of Sardar Akthar Mengal, the head of Balochistan National Party (Mengal), “Akthar Mengal has created a soft corner for himself inside the military establishment and become the part of the government by playing with the emotions of Baloch nation using the name of missing persons; neither the missing persons were recovered nor the army’s brutalities ended. On the contrary, the atrocities of the Pakistan army have intensified in Balochistan. Perhaps, Akthar Mengal has forgotten the fact that his party is neither in the government nor in the opposition. Yet he is riding two horses simultaneously. Because, he has made a deal with the real federal government i.e. the military junta. But everyone should bear in mind, those who manipulated and used the nation as a ladder to ascend to power and get lost in the maze of slavery, the Baloch nation has neither spared them in the past nor will forgive them in future.”
The renowned Baloch leader said, “Pakistan is in the shock and awe by seeing the Baloch national struggle’s popularity among the masses and its perseverance. Baloch nation will never give up their national cause with the use of such mean tactics. In fact, such incidents will harden their resolve and sharpen the will to take revenge. It is Baloch’s inherent psyche and nature and part of its culture and traditions that assault on a woman will be deemed as an attack on the entire nation and their dignity. In such cases, the Baloch nation remained united in the past and will persist. This is the false perception of Pakistan that it will subjugate the Baloch nation with such cheap tactics.”
Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch stated, “Pakistan army abducted Baloch women namely Bibi Nazal and Hameeda Baloch from Pirandar, Sayed Bibi from Maashi and Bibi Sakina from Harooni Dann of district Awaran. This is a slap on the face of those Baloch as well as the parliamentarians who always play the fiddle of democracy and engaged in strengthening the rogue state of Pakistan at the expense of Baloch dignity and blood.
He concluded that, “Pakistan’s army is employing all means to dishonor us. In such a state of affairs, all the so-called nationalists and religious parties have sealed up their lips. Yet they create huge uproar on Kashmir and Palestine. Do they have the spine, to tell the truth about what is going in Balochistan? How Pakistan army is treating the people of Balochistan? These so-called custodians of Islam make a lot of clamors for the burning of the Holy Quran in Norway, but they keep silence on the burning of the Holy Quran by the Pakistan army during the military operations in Balochistan. This is the prime example of hypocrisy of the so-called nationalists, clerics, and federalists. The history and the Baloch nation will never forgive them.”