The Baloch Raji Ajoi Sangar (BRAS), a militant alliance, has issued a statement through its spokesperson, Baloch Khan, announcing plans to target the upcoming August 14 Independence Day celebrations in Pakistan. BRAS has called upon the Baloch people to remain indifferent to the festivities, which they view as symbols of Pakistani occupation of Balochistan.
The spokesperson condemned China’s involvement in resource “exploitation” in the region, accusing China of supporting Pakistan’s “occupation”. BRAS warned “expansionist forces” that no one would be allowed to occupy even an inch of Baloch land. The group threatened severe retaliation against both Pakistani and Chinese interests if their “exploitation of Balochistan continues”.
BRAS emphasized their capability to thwart Pakistan and China’s plans to dominate Gwadar, asserting that projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are exploitative and not developmental. The group fears these projects will alter the demographic balance in Balochistan, reducing the Baloch people to a minority in their homeland.
The statement urged China to cease its partnership with Pakistan in “exploiting Baloch resources”, claiming that BRAS harbors no enmity towards China unless it continues its involvement. The spokesperson warned other countries against investing in Balochistan, asserting that such investments would only be possible when Balochistan is independent and able to make sovereign decisions.
BRAS reiterated its opposition to projects that “undermine Baloch national interests and violate international principles”. The group highlighted the negative environmental impact of these projects, which they argue contribute to the destruction of Balochistan.
Baloch Khan directed all BRAS fighters to launch attacks against the “oppressive Pakistani state and its exploitative projects in Gwadar”. The spokesperson concluded by declaring that Baloch land belongs to the Baloch people, who are committed to defending their freedom and sovereignty.