Baloch National politics has gotten a historical importance on July 2019. Its basic reason is the Baloch national movement which has been continued against Colonial British established a supernatural state Pakistan since 1948. Due to this movement, thousands Political, social, literary contiguous people have forcibly abducted hands of Pakistan militants groups. First time, Baloch Women panel had demonstration and campaigning in Quetta. In the short of time that campaigning have with spread to Karachi and Islamabad. But later, the concatenation of demonstrations broke; the state barbarities were escalated where after it the abduction and The concatenations of throwing of extremely tortured dead bodies were started which is continued till today.
When Pakistan brought more exacerbation into its strategy to enforced disappearance of Political, social and literary person and dumping their tortured dead bodies than in 2009, Mama Qadeer Baloch, Nasrullah Bangulzi, Banuk Farzana, Banuk Sammi, mehlab along with other victims’ families were started demonstrating in front of Quetta which was outspread with short time in Karachi. It is not only the most extended in Baloch history, this concatenation of demonstrations crossed the border of Balochistan, the demonstrators have taken historical protest after traveling three thousands KM entire in Karachi and Islamabad as well as they went to New Yark and Genova to recording their demonstrations. Mama Qadeer Baloch Vice President of (Voice For Baloch Missing) have highlights the ongoing atrocities of occupier Pakistan on the Baloch nation and appealed to civilized world to take practical actions against human rights abuses of Pakistan.
A decade has been completed to the struggle of families’s of martyrs and enforced disappeared persons on the month of July, it isn’t only have individual significant in Baloch national struggle as well as for the all subdued and oppressed Nations in the world. Those workers in-spite of continuously intimidations of occupier state, set fire on demonstrative camp and internecine attacks during long march Karachi to Islamabad with Mama Qadeer and other victims’ families, still have acted as firm and strength, is unviable assuredly.
While oppressed nations Sindhi, Pashtun and Mojahir were became victims of the state brutalities and they start following footsteps of Mama Qadeer Baloch and his colleagues, start the demonstrations for safe recovery of their loved one from Pakistan military torture cells which are still continued till today. Undoubtedly, in this region the founder of demonstrations in this pathway, are those Baloch personalities who are leading this movement till today and there is no doubt today due to these personalities in this all oppressed nations Baloch, Hazara, Pashtun and Mohjir are collogues of each other’s and are being together. The behavior of oppressed nations in this region evident fact that any oppressed and subdued nations can’t survive and protect their identity till this supernatural state has its existence. Therefore, as soon as possible should get freedom from this supernatural state. Baloch nation start this demonstration for safe recovery of abducted persons today other oppressed have been together. Actually, such state barbarism and atrocities would be so hard and horrendous, where state atrocities would crash the oppressed nations. The prosperity for upcoming generations those nations will be guarantees of it who defeat these cruelties cheerfully.
Today in which manner, the families of Baloch martyrs and enforced disappearance’s families are progressing their struggle, undoubted it is a gospel of a brightness for the subjects, if the all oppressed nation’s political activists would fulfill their significant role to transmit the victims voice to the civilized world especially Europe, America and others international human rights organizations.